How Does Lighting Affect Your Room?

Your lighting choices affect your room's mood. Bright lights can make you feel alert and energized, while dimmer light creates a more relaxing atmosphere.

Lighting with a yellow cast creates a warm and cozy atmosphere while blue or white light promotes alertness. This type of lighting is ideal for daytime activities but not good for bedrooms where it can disrupt circadian rhythms and suppress melatonin production, which supports sleep. If you want to improve the look, safety, or functionality of your lights, give P2 Electrical Contracting experts a call today.


Brightness is a key factor that impacts mood. Too much brightness can overwhelm you and cause irritability, while too little brightness can make you feel sluggish. The ideal brightness will vary by activity and what you’re trying to accomplish. For example, tasks that require concentration like reading or working on a computer should be done in brighter light, while relaxing activities such as watching TV should be done in dimmer light.

Aim for a good balance by using multiple light sources in your room. This will help to create a more natural lighting experience and give you control over your brightness levels. Aim for a ‘key’ light, which is the brightest light source, a ‘fill’ which illuminates the rest of the space and a ‘back’ which highlights an element such as artwork or a plant. Artists such as Da Vinci and Caravaggio were masters of chiaroscuro (Italian for 'light-dark'), which is an effective way to create a rich three-dimensional effect by positioning multiple light sources in a space.

If you want to create a more relaxed environment in your home, use a warm white or yellow tone for your lights, as these tend to be the most soothing. For a bedroom, a low illuminance and reddish hues can help you transition to sleep by reducing stimulation and encouraging melatonin production.

In addition to brightness, the color of your lighting also plays a significant role in your mood. A study published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology found that ambient brightness and color heighten emotions, both positive and negative. For example, feelings of warmth are triggered by lighting with reddish hues, while a sense of angst is created by more intense, blue-hued lights.

Aside from the type of lights you use, the location of your lights also influences the color and intensity they produce. For example, placing lights around the perimeter of a room can create an airy, spacious feeling, while centrally placed lights can evoke a strained atmosphere. Lastly, smart bulbs allow you to play with the color of your lighting throughout the day. When you need to stay alert, opt for a blue-hued bulb with a higher kelvin rating, and when you are ready to relax, switch to a warmer yellow-toned bulb.


Aside from brightening a space, lighting also adds color to the room. Some colors can encourage tranquility, boost energy and even make us feel optimistic or introspective depending on their hues.

There are many shades of color to choose from. Oftentimes, we are drawn to certain paint colors for how they look, but do those colors actually impact how we feel? According to Mary Gregerson, the president of the American Psychological Association's Society for Environment, Population and Conservation Psychology, color impacts you on a physical and mental level.

She suggests keeping this in mind when deciding on your paint palette for your home. Ideally, you'll want to select the color that feels right for your home and consider its effect on your mood.

Hue refers to the color of a light, while intensity is how saturated it is and value is how light or dark it looks. The combination of these elements is what determines the overall impression and effect of a color.

When selecting a color, it's best to test how it looks in natural and artificial lighting at different times of day. This will help you see how the shade works in both conditions and whether it creates a warm or cool feel in your space.

Choosing the right lighting is just as important as selecting the right color, but this can be harder to achieve. It's recommended to have three different types of lighting for every room in your home: general lighting that illuminates the room at large; task lighting for reading and cooking tasks and decorative accent lighting to add ambiance.

For general lighting, overhead fixtures are typically the preferred option because they are versatile and provide the most amount of light for a space. However, if you have low ceilings, it's best to avoid hanging lights as they can pull the ceiling down and make a room look smaller. Instead, opt for wall or table lamps.

If you're looking to highlight specific areas in a space, such as alcoves, nooks, shelving and artwork, consider spotlights or wall sconces. These types of fixtures can be placed close to the walls to call attention to a certain part of the space without being overbearing.


The mood impact of lighting can be attributed to both its direct effect on melatonin and its indirect effects through circadian photo entrainment. Bright light at night suppresses melatonin and promotes sleepiness, while day time exposure to bright white light increases alertness and makes us feel more energetic. The indirect mood effects are mainly measured with self-reported and physiological mood measures such as blood pressure or heart rate.

Natural lighting is a big mood booster in any room. It helps us feel more relaxed at home and at work, which in turn leads to higher productivity and fewer illnesses. Studies have shown that people who spend their time in well-lit rooms are less stressed and more social than those who don’t.

Bright white lighting is a good choice for areas that require focus, such as workspaces, kitchens and living rooms. However, for the bedroom or other relaxing spaces, opt for softer, yellow lighting that will help you feel calm and at ease. The right lighting can also set the mood for a movie night or a game of cards with family and friends. Accent lighting and wall sconces are great choices for illuminating artwork and other details.

Mood is also affected by color. While neutral colors like whites and off-yellows are calming, warm hues such as reds or greens can create a moodier effect. For instance, a burgundy or maroon lamp shade can be a good way to add color and create a more intimate setting.

A recent study found that the perceived emotion of a color is affected by its saturation, brightness and hue. For example, a highly saturated red will have the strongest emotional effect on a person, while blue has a more subtle affect.

Many people don’t give much thought to how their mood can be impacted by the lighting in their home or office. A simple change in your home’s lighting can drastically improve your mood, sleep quality and even cognition. Fortunately, new advances in smart lighting control systems make it easier than ever to try out various color temperatures and hues to find the best mood boosting lighting for each space in your home.


Besides affecting how a room looks, lighting can also alter how large or small a space feels. This is because the type and positioning of lights can have a significant impact on the perception of the size of a room. For example, recessed lighting can create the illusion of more spaciousness by reflecting off walls and filling the space with soft glow. In contrast, central, bright light can elicit a feeling of claustrophobia by focusing attention on the ceiling and walls, which creates a boxed in sensation.

When planning a home renovation, it’s important to understand how different types of lighting affect spaces. After all, each room has a unique purpose. For example, a kitchen requires bright, high-quality lighting, while a living space calls for more mellow light. In addition, a bedroom needs to be dark in order to promote sleep.

Natural light is also a major mood influencer. It’s a proven mood booster that encourages positive thoughts, increases productivity and generally introduces a cheerful feeling. This is why bringing sunlight indoors is so important.

Color is another key factor that can affect a room’s mood. For example, certain colors can make people feel anxious or nervous. On the other hand, other colors can create a relaxing atmosphere. To achieve the perfect color scheme for your home, try to find a balance between warm and cool hues.

Using the right lighting can have a significant impact on a room’s mood and how it is perceived. With the help of P2 Electrical Contracting, you can ensure that your home’s lighting is well-planned and reflects the desired mood for each space. This will make it easier to enjoy your home and improve your mood every day! For more information about our lighting services, contact us today.

Your lighting choices affect your room's mood. Bright lights can make you feel alert and energized, while dimmer light creates a more relaxing atmosphere. Lighting with a yellow cast creates a warm and cozy atmosphere while blue or white light promotes alertness. This type of lighting is ideal for daytime activities but not good for…