What Questions Can Astrology Answer?

Astrology is a vast subject, and learning it can feel like discovering an iceberg. It involves sun signs, rising and moon signs, planetary aspects, houses, and more.

Luckily, we're here to help. We've compiled the most commonly asked questions about your natal chart so you can get your cosmic bearings and learn to speak the language of the stars.

What is my zodiac sign?

In a nutshell, astrology is the study of celestial bodies that influence or indicate events in human life. It operates under the assumption that these bodies (most notably, planets and their placements) are fixed upon a fixed chart and can be used to understand and explain events in our lives.

When most people ask what sign they are, astrologers typically respond with the zodiac sign the sun was in at the time of their birth. However, this is just one element of the incredibly complex natal chart that illustrates a person's unique story. Professional astrologers look at the entire chart, which includes constellations, houses, planetary movements, and modalities to tell a comprehensive, individualized astrological story. 

What is my rising sign?

If your ascendant sign is Aries, ruled by aggressive Mars, you have an intensely competitive personality. You view life as a series of competitions and you often act on your instincts rather than taking the time to think things through.

Astrology answers relies on the belief that the relative positions of heavenly bodies, such as the sun, moon, and planets, affect events on Earth and human personality traits. While astrology has never been proven to be factual, it has a history of appealing to people with an external locus of control, or those who believe that outside forces determine their fortune.

What is my moon sign?

Many astrologers offer calculators that can give you your moon sign simply by asking for the date, time and location of your birth. Your moon sign is a key aspect of your birth chart, and reveals “your deepest subconscious self and the emotional needs you require to feel safe,” Edut explains.

Most people are familiar with their zodiac sun signs, which is the glowing essence of who they are and the basis of most horoscopes. However, your moon sign offers a more intimate glimpse into your inner world and how you connect with others on an emotional level. It’s also a part of your natal chart, the map of celestial bodies at the moment you were born.

What is my Saturn sign?

When Saturn is in your chart, you need to learn about responsibilities and boundaries. This stern, pragmatist planet can reveal how you restrict your self and your feelings, teaching you about putting up boundaries and building stability in life.

When you have Saturn in Libra, for example, you seek control in your relationships in a diplomatic way like a loving mother figure. Similarly, when you have Saturn in Leo, you may struggle with arrogance and need to express yourself for confidence.

When Saturn is in Taurus, you need financial security and a solid foundation in life. You might be a bit of a perfectionist, which could show up as a rigid attitude and inflexibility. Alternatively, you might be a cautious risk-taker who is ready to invest in something long term.

What is my Pluto sign?

Pluto symbolizes power, destruction and rebirth. It is the planet of transformation and evolution, often tearing down old structures to make room for something new.

When Pluto is in Scorpio, people have a deep yearning for the truth and are fascinated by the dark sides of life. Incarnating on the cusp of a new millennium, Pluto in Scorpio individuals grew up with the internet and Buddy Icons.

Pluto is a planet of depth and hidden potential. It is the ruler of the houses that speak to shedding skin and rebirth, so this placement is about transforming in a cautious, reserved way. Pluto is also associated with the North and South Nodes, which act as your karmic destiny.

What is my Mars sign?

You probably already know your sun sign, but your Mars sign can clue you into how you operate. Astrology is based on the positions of the planets and stars at the time of your birth. Astrologers consider Mars to be a personal planet that has a lot to do with your motivations, drive (yes, including sex drive), energy, and ambition.

If your Mars is in Cancer, you’re a deep-feeler who can be intensely loyal to those closest to you. However, you can also be moody and have a primitive side. With a Mars in Cancer, sex comes naturally to you, but as an Astrologer tells mind body green, you’re likely more interested in platonic connections. These people need emotional security, physical or financial stability, and a priority on family and home life before they open up sexually.

What is my Mercury sign?

Astrology is a system of prediction and interpretation that focuses on the positions of celestial bodies at a specific time and place. Interrogatory or horary astrology, for instance, offers answers to questions people pose to the universe, usually through chart readings based on the position of the stars at the moment they were born or conceived.

When it comes to understanding your natal chart, you need to look at each planet and house as well as your sun sign, but finding your Mercury sign is an important first step, says Montufar. This is because Mercury, named after the Roman god of communication, travel, thievery and mischief, rules over communication and fast thinking. It's also the fastest moving of the planets, so it makes sense that it's a natural ruler of Gemini. People with Mercury in Gemini are natural conversationalists and can jump from topic to topic like a chameleon.

What is my Venus sign?

Whether you're sentimental, caregiving (and sometimes tearful) Cancer or confident, stoic Capricorn, your Venus sign offers valuable intel on your core sense of self and how you approach love. The planet spends four weeks in each of the 12 signs, so where it was when you were born gives a glimpse into your romantic style, love language, and values.

If Venus was in romantic water sign Pisces when you were born, you're intuitive and empathic. You're often drawn to dreamy, spiritual experiences in love and might find it difficult not to take on other people's pain as your own.

In a partner, you want someone who can appreciate your attention to detail and love of being useful. You have high standards and might get nervous about letting down your guard. As a result, you tend to attract partners who are either your equal or above you in status.

What is my Mars rising sign?

You likely know your sun sign, but learning more about the planets and how they interact with each other in your birth chart can give you a deeper understanding of yourself. One key indicator is where Mars sits in your chart. This fiery planet symbolizes your passion, aggression, and how you express libido.

With Mars in Leo, you are like a lion in the wild, roaring and biting when provoked. People with this Mars sign love to be the center of attention, and you can use that to your advantage in the workplace and in relationships.

People with Mars in Aquarius can be more independent than most, and may not follow societal norms. These people are creative and tend to prefer a fantasy-based approach to sex. They're also a little more headstrong than most. According to astrologer, they're the most daring of all the Mars signs.

What is my Moon rising sign?

Astrology is super trendy, and even if you don’t believe in it, it’s still worth learning the basics. Understanding your sun, moon, and rising sign can help you get a deeper sense of your own inner personality and emotional reactions.

Your rising sign, also called your ascendant, is the zodiac sign that was on the eastern horizon at the moment of your birth. This is the sign that people perceive you as, and it offers insight into how you approach the world and interact with others.

The rising sign is also synonymous with your first house, which speaks to the way you take the reins in life and form a self-image early on. Your ascendant changes every 2 to 2-1/2 days, so you will need to know your exact birth time to determine it. 

Astrology is a vast subject, and learning it can feel like discovering an iceberg. It involves sun signs, rising and moon signs, planetary aspects, houses, and more. Luckily, we're here to help. We've compiled the most commonly asked questions about your natal chart so you can get your cosmic bearings and learn to speak the…